The stages of Peer Review, accepting and publishing articles in the Packaging Science and Art Quarterly are as follows:
1- Announcement of the editor's opinion (Initial Review); (If the file is complete, the article will be sent to the editor to determine the scientific level and degree of suitability with the thematic axis of the publication, determine the referee and finally obtain permission to enter the Peer Review process). This stage takes a maximum of 10 days.
2- controlling the article in terms of compliance with the items mentioned in the style sheet and format of the publication; (If there are errors in the files and the format of the publication is not followed, the article will be returned to the author to complete the items).
3- Submission to arbitration; (If the files are complete and the format of the publication is fully respected, the article will be sent to 3 or 4 Reviewers at the same time).
** The type of Peer Review in this Journal is Double anonymous **
4- Completing the result of the preliminary review and sending it to the authors to make corrections;
5- receiving corrections and sending the article to the final referee; (If the files are complete and the items mentioned in the editing letter are complied with, the article will be sent to one of the previous referees to control the corrections).
6- Receiving the opinions of the final referee and presenting the article in the editorial meeting to announce the final opinion;
7- Placement of accepted articles in the list of articles ready for publication;
8- Publication of the article.
Note: All correspondence is done with the responsible author, and the follow-up of all matters related to the stages and results of the arbitration, the time of editing, acceptance and printing of the article is done only by the responsible author of the article. The journal office is exempted from responding to other co-authors of the article.