Determination of Competition in Iranian Corrugated Box Making Companies

Document Type : Compilation


Associated Professor of Wood and Paper Science and Technology Depts., Agricultural and Natural Resources Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran


One of the most important goals of managers and owners of production companies is to understand their unit's position in terms of competition, based on the role of the component of competition in the success or failure of their organization. This paper showed the status of competition in the Corrugate Box Making Companies in Iran using the SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation) matrix. Accordingly, each manufacturing unit can choose one of four types of aggressive, conservative, defensive and competitive strategies for competitors. The values of each of the determinant factors in this matrix were obtained through a questionnaire completed by experts, supervisors and managers of Corrugate Box Making Companies, and these factors were classified into four groups: financial strength, industry ability, environmental stability, and competitive advantage. The results of the analysis of SPACE matrix data showed that the units in Corrugate Box Making Companies are in aggressive, competitive and defensive positions, but a large part of the companies should use defensive strategies in terms of the competitive environment, due to internal and external constraints.


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