Investigating the Effect of Packaging Elements (Colors, Images and Brand Logo) on Parental Purchase

Document Type : Compilation


1 PhD in Business Administration, International Marketing Trend

2 Master of Science in Social Sciences and Researcher at Imam Hossein University

3 Ph.D. in Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran


Packing as one of the essential parts of the product plays a vital role in creating a sustainable competitive advantage. Packing as a silent vendor plays an important role in marketing, and it's the last link in the company with consumers, and perhaps the only representative of the company that remains in the workplace and customer’ lives long after  the purchase. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of packaging elements on forced parent purchases. The survey method in this applied research is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this study is parents who have children aged 5 to 10 years and who live in Ilam city. Considering that the exact information was not available from the statistical society, the society was considered unlimited. Using the unlimited population size formula, 384 people were selected using a targeted and accessible sampling. The data gathering tool was standard questionnaire and the Liszler software was used to analyze the information. The results showed that the packaging color had an effect of 0.87, packaging images had an effect of 0.82 and the brand logo had an effect of 0.79, on the parental purchase. Among all the cases, the packaging color has had the greatest impact on the purchase of parents, because the use of happy and different colors causes children to be absorbed, and the packaging color is the first thing that children perceive in product packaging.


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