Conceptualization Intention to Purchase Environmentally Friendly Packaging Products Among Consumers (Arak People)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University- Farahan Branch, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Amin University of Police Sciences

3 Master's degree in executive management, Islamic Azad University- Farahan Branch, Iran


Iran, like many other countries, suffers from high levels of air pollution, low water quality, high volumes of traffic-induced noise pollution, problems with excessive waste disposal and a rapid decline in energy resources. Environmental concerns are mainly due to abnormal consumerism and unstable activities. The purpose of this study was to purchase environmentally friendly packaging products among consumers (Arak people). This present applied research is in the category of causal research. The statistical population of the study consisted of the people of Arak who had a history of using green packaging products. A cluster questionnaire was distributed among the people of Arak city, after confirmation of validity and reliability, data collection was used. In this research, structural equations are used to examine the relationships between the components of the model. Laser software has been used to analyze the hypotheses. According to the data analysis, the results indicate that attitudes, environmental concerns, personal norms and consumers' inclination have an impact on their intention to purchase environmentally friendly packaging products.


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