Metaphorical Thinking in Packaging Design

Document Type : Overview


1 Assistant Professor of Industrial Design, University of Tehran

2 Master Student of Industrial Design, University of Tehran


Based on modern literature in metaphor and its relevance to different sciences, no one searches the metaphor in language and literature. The metaphor is considered to be a kind of thought today, and there is even a kind of pre - linguistic thought. This virgin thinking that is rooted in human unconsciousness can be a strong advocate for designers and they can create unique designs in different fields of innovation. What is expected from a packaging designer is an innovative task and in this paper metaphorical thought is introduced as a mechanism for creative work.To develop the issue and facilitate the use of this type of approach in the design, analytical - descriptive research was conducted. in this study we have applied research categories that have been done in metaphorical design domain. Different examples of packaging in the market wherecan see metaphorical implicationsare presented. In this paper, an initiation to facilitate the attitude of Iranian designers to metaphors for products which are suitable for the design of Iranian identity.


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