Evaluation of Effective Methods in Situation Preventing Counterfeiting of Printing Elements on the Packaging of Mobile Phones

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Department of Law, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Law, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


Forgery is one of the main crimes related to the loss of public trust and disruption of the country's economic system; it is one of the most common and oldest crimes that can occur at any time and in relation to anything of material and spiritual value. Today, with the development of technology, communications and domestic and international exchanges, the crime of counterfeiting is evolving in different levels, and every day we see new and advanced methods of counterfeiting, so pay attention to new methods of prevent situation forgery of documents and determining security indicators in packaging seems to be an effective and necessary factor. This research has been done by field method, in which the statistical population of 51 experts in the field of printing and packaging who have been surveyed in a total number and the results obtained using spss24 software show that the use of factors in packaging design, packaging printing and attachment components in mobile packaging is one of the important and effective indicators in preventing the situation of forgery in mobile phone packaging.


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