Colors Are Highly Recommended, Is it Your Favorite Color; Is the Same Color You Like on the Packaging?

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor, Department of Management ,Zanjan Branch,Islamic Azad University

2 PhD candidate in Marketing Management, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, IRAN


Colors create a beautiful world for human beings and are one of the factors of recognition, difference and choice for human beings. Colors appear in a variety of patterns:  color packaging and color scheme, color symbol, color slogan, color environment, and other effects, each of which has made a difference in a particular situation. The use of colors encourages customers to buy, along with increasing competition among manufacturers who are thinking of increasing product sales and market share. In this applied research, based on the nature and method of conducting, it is considered as a descriptive-analytical research. In this study, the favorite colors and their relationship with the color of packaging in the groups of sanitary products, sweets and chocolate, soft drinks, juices and food have been investigated.  According to the evaluation, blue has the most fans with 21 points. The next colors are green with 13, red& white 11, black 9 and purple and yellow 6, respectively. There is a significant relationship between favorite color and packaging color in the sanitary, juice & soft drink. The favorite color for hygienic packaging is blue. For confection and chocolates, red, brown, and yellow are the most popular colors, and for food packaging, yellow is the most popular color. Colors have a great effect on marketing and product selection, and identifying these effects in product diversity and different cultures is very effective in marketing management.


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