Identification of in Cleaner Production Indicators in the Corrugated Box Making Industries by Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods


1 MSc graduated of Wood and Paper Science and Technology Depts., Agricultural and Natural Resources Faculty, Azad Islamic University, Karaj branch, Karaj, IRAN

2 Assosiate Professor of Wood and Paper Science and Technology Depts., Agricultural and Natural Resources Faculty, Azad Islamic University, Karaj branch, Karaj, IRAN


Cleaner production as a global strategy with methods such as process improvement can reduce raw material consumption, energy, waste, production costs and environmental pollution and increase competitiveness and sustainable industry development. Utilizing cleaner production patterns to reduce consumption of materials, energy, waste and environmental problems can also affect the carton industry in Iran. In this study, effective indicators and criteria for clean production in corrugated boxmakingindustries in Iran were determined using the opinions of experts, industry managers and academic researchers and were used in the form of a researcher-made questionnaire to use the hierarchical analysis method. The results of the analysis of questionnaires showed that the process control and product control indices with the highest priority is the most important effective indicators for the implementation of cleaner production in the companies in the country. Prioritization of all cleaner production sub-indices showed that the industrial process automation as a sub-index is the most important in the strategic implementation of cleaner production in the corrugated box making industries.Sub-indicators of using approved and standard raw materials, proper composition and formulation of requests, quantitative and qualitative controls of processes, alignment of organizational culture with cleaner production goals, timely planning of received orders, adaptation of production products to customers' requests and continuous empowerment manpower with a view to cleaner production are also in the next priorities. The results of this research can be used in the implementation of cleaner production process in the corrugated box making industriesin Iran.


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