The Role of Packaging in Motivating Consumers to Buy Fars ‘Giveh’

Document Type : Original Article


Graduated Bachelor of MBA in Hafez university in Shiraz, Shiraz , Iran


Packaging is an important element in differentiating and introducing today's products. An especial type of traditional antique Iranian footware or espadrille which has been in use for several thousand years, is a unique product called ‘Giveh’, and with innovation in packaging it can become more attractive to customers. Packaging plays an important role today but in our country, this industry is not sufficiently addressed. Most of the goods are sold in bulk or bought from abroad without proper packaging. Giveh is one of the goods for which special packaging has not been considered. Due to convenience, coolness and the use of natural materials in manufacturing, Giveh has a competitive advantage over similar products which can be exploited for its promotion and marketing. Correspondence and matching between the needlework of the upper part of Giveh and the design pattern of the package which requires the cooperation of specialists and designers of both industries, can provide the basis for customer attraction to this product among similar items in a short time. The present study deals with the history of Giveh, the materials used in its fabrication and the difference between the Fars Giveh and that of the other provinces in Iran. The role of packaging is examined from economic aspects and the impact on potential customers. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of packaging in persuading consumers to buy Fars Giveh. The research method is analytical-descriptive. The statistical population consists of economic activists of Fars province with the demographic information of the research sample, which is the level of education and gender. The library information collection tool is applied and data is extracted with staged cluster sampling method using the researcher's questionnaire, and sample calculation is performed with Cochran's formula. The research results show that among the four selected packaging variables of design, maintenance, attractiveness, and information, the packaging design has the most important role which creates the difference and attractiveness and motivates the consumers to purchase the Fars Giveh.


Main Subjects

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