Identifying and Distinguishing the Effect of Packaging and Advertisements on instant shopping by Considering the Brand Equity (Case Study: Herbal Tea Products)

Document Type : Original Article


1 imam khomeini international university

2 College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Suhrawardi Institute of Higher Education

4 Assistant Professor, University of Hormozgan , Bandar Abbas, Iran.


Advertising and packaging are stimuli that affect the consumer buying behavior. The intention to buy immediately is an opportunity to attract customers and is the best time to communicate with consumers. Since from the customer point of view when buying instantly, there is not just one brand of the product and competitive products are also present, in addition to advertising and packaging at the time of instant purchase, brand equity is very influential on the consumer's intention to buy. Therefore, while identifying and distinguishing the impact of advertising and packaging on the immediate purchase intention of consumers, researchers in this study have established the mediating role of brand equity. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of advertising and packaging on the immediate purchase intention of consumers of herbal drinks and the mediating role of brand equity. Based on this, 384 questionnaires were distributed among the customers of herbal teas. To test the hypotheses, the structural equation modeling method was used using PLS software. The results showed that advertising and packaging have a positive effect on consumers' immediate purchase intention. Moreover, the mediating role of brand equity in the relationship of advertising and packaging with immediate purchase intention was confirmed.


Main Subjects

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