Challenges and Strategies for the Development of the Iranian Corrugated Box Making Industries

Document Type : Overview



The development of the packaging industry is one of the requirements of the industrial excellence of countries.The Corrugated box making Industries has always been a privileged position.Unfortunately, with the increasing pressures on the industry and the constraints of currency exchange and liquidity coupled with the uncertainties in decision-making for large-scale industry management, the corrugated box making Industries have faced crises.To this end, the present study examines the challenges facing them and ways to overcome them in the corrugated box making Industries.A researcher-made questionnaire was used for the survey and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha calculation method.The data of the questionnaires were analyzed by the statistical software.The results showed that the supply of raw materials accelerated the replacement of other packaging’s instead of Corrugated -based packages, lack of specialized knowledge, lack of appropriate technology, worn-out and do not updating the machinery are  the most challenges that facing the corrugated box making Industries.To overcome these challenges, one can point to the use of regional comparative advantages in the provision of suitable raw materials and so on.


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