Design of Visual Environmental Messages on the Packaging of Consumer Goods in Light of Cultural Graphology

Document Type : Overview


Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Visual Art School, Art University of Isfahan


Packaging Design plays a strategic role in emphasizing messages sent by consumer goods producers. They make a contribution with a graphic designers in order to first visually position the superiority and philanthropy of their products among competitors, and then to influence choices of customers. More precisely speaking, logotype design have more to do with this influence, particularly nowadays when deconstructive perspective of speech as well as reconstructive power of writing generate the meaning from images, out of speech canon. In this paper, in order to achieve the aim of promoting environmental culture, to that end, the visual dimensions of writing, logotype design in particular was analyzed based on a theoretical framework of cultural graphology. This framework inspired of Jacques Derrida's Cultural graphology and Walter Benjamin's allegory was previously established for the analysis of Samani slipware epigraphy. The first question which is related to Derrida's cultural graphology perspective: in what ways it is possible to illustrate an environmental message in the logotype of consumer goods' packaging?. On the basis of Benjamin's allegorical reading, the other question is how graphic designers can develop an environmental message all over a package design? To briefly answer, since in graphology either letters or ligatures stands for a body member or behavior, there are an underlying visual language behinds the writing's elements that provides certain method for designing communicable environmental messages. The answer of second question is that if we develop environmental messages depending on both the name and the type of products by means of a series of Persian allegories, the underlying visual language of writing will spread throughout the packaging design.


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