The Aesthetic Effect of Using Local and Traditional Motifs in Export Pistachio Packaging in Kerman

Document Type : Overview


Shahnaz Fatemi, department of visual communication, faculty of Hazrat Fatemeh, Kerman branch, technical and vocational university (tvu) Kerman, Iran


After the Industrial Revolution and the increasing variety of manufactured goods, the role of marketing, advertising, and creativity in the design of packages came into focus. Due to the fact that regarding aesthetic principles in designing product packages effects the saleof goods, this theme became a high priority for package designers. Furthermore, the important role packaging design plays in the branding process and also the close link between a brands with customers made the designers apply some traditional symbols and motifs in their designs. This issue is reflective of the producing countries’ art and culture as well. In this regard, the present research, aiming at introducing some of the most commonly traditional motifs in Kerman, analyzed the aesthetic effect of using them in export pistachio packaging in this province. This study presented several designs inspired by these motifs and also discussed their effect on the consumers’ preferences and sales. The present research applied a descriptive-analytical method to do a corpus-based (library data) study. Attempts have been made to analyze the aesthetic aspect of traditional and local motifs, and the consumers’ level of preference and trust in choosing a package accordingly.


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