The Trend of Using Wooden Pallets in Transportation Systems of Developed Countries

Document Type : Scientific Paper


1 PhD student of Tarbiat Modares University, Campus of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences, Department of Wood Industry and Cellulosic products

2 Assistant Professor of Tehran University, Faculty of Natural Resources, Department of wood Technology


Wooden packaging can be used in a variety of pallets, box pallets, boxes, cable boxes, lightweight packaging for fruits and vegetables, barrels, custom structures, etc. for storing and protecting goods, that categorized during shipping. Pallets are one of the most common types of wood packaging. They provide a safe and efficient flatbed for transportation throughout the distribution process. Although in terms of size, there are standard versions for pallets, but with regard to the type of equipment needed to move (usually forklifts), the type of cargo, and the space and length of service required (reusability or multipurpose use), are produced in different sizes and configurations. Pallets play a key role in all distribution systems. This fact illustrates the importance of pallets in the increasing global supply. Due to increasing regulations and policies regarding the conservation of natural resources, the issue of pallet use, reuse and recycling of materials has been of concern in many researches in this area. The report presented in this study examines the current and future use of pallets and recyclable pallets in developed countries (such as the United States) to provide a roadmap for industrialists, experts, policymakers and logistics within the country. In addition, factors affecting the use of pallets in distribution systems have also been studied.


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