The Impact of Transparent Packaging on the Consumer Willingness to Purchase (Case Study of Cereals in Refah Chain Shops of Saveh)

Document Type : Original Article


1 management, islamic azad university of Buin zahra

2 management


The consumer's intention to buy depends on several factors. Packaging is one of the most important motivations that affect the consumer's intention to purchase. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of transparent packaging on consumer purchases of cereals in Refah chain shops of Saveh. The type of study is applied research. The data were collected through questionnaires, and processed using the statistical methods of structural equation modeling by SPSS24 and LISREL8.80 software. The results show the positive and significant impact of packaging transparency on the joy, pleasure, novelty, quality, innovation, and attractiveness perceived by the consumer, and as a result on the overall tendency of the consumers to purchase.


Main Subjects

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