An Overview of Active Technology in Food Packaging

Document Type : Overview


1 Shahrkord university

2 Zabol University

3 Shahrekord


Today, the packaging industry has become a powerful technology that can be used to minimize the activity of bacteria, mold and other disease-causing agents. The use of active and intelligent technologies in food packaging is increasing. In addition to delaying the environmental factors affecting food spoilage, this system uses a more dynamic method to preserve the product and maintain food quality and increase marketability. Active food packaging technologies offer new opportunities to keep food safe. The purpose of this paper is to present the important active packaging systems known to date, which include: oxygen adsorbents, carbon dioxide scavengers / absorbers, moisture absorbers, ethylene adsorbents, ethanol emitters, release systems Flavors, temperature-time indicators, and films containing antimicrobials. This article describes the performance of each active system. Recognizing the benefits of active packaging technologies by the food industry, developing cost-effective active packaging systems, and increasing consumer acceptance, open new frontiers for active packaging. Continued innovations in active packaging are expected to lead to further improvements in food quality, safety and stability.


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