A Review about Different Types of Sensors and their Application in Designing Intelligent Packaging for Assessing the Food Quality


1 PhD student of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan

2 Assistant professor, Department of Food science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan

3 PhD. of Food Biotechnology, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz


The development of packaging is in response to reducing consumer concerns about food safety. The role of packaging has shifted from marketing and distribution in the past to measuring and communicating to meet the needs of the food industry and buyers. Intelligent packaging is a smart device or label that dynamically shows the quality of the packaged product, and has been considered as an alternative to the traditional static dating approach. Among the various types of sensor devices, optical indicators are relatively simple to operate for both the manufacturer and the consumer. The goal in intelligent packaging is to provide safer and higher quality products. In intelligent systems, the condition of packaged food is monitored to provide information on the quality of packaged food during transportation and storage. These technologies are designed to increase the demand for safer foods with better shelf life. The intelligent packaging market is expected to have a promising future in terms of packaging materials.


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