• Start of publication: 2010
  • Credit of the publication: Academic / Specialized
  • Type of articles to be published: Research, promotional
  • Format: Print and Online
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Coverage: Packaging science and techniques
  • Type of Journal: Academic / Specialized
  • Language: Persian; including English abstracts
  • Type of arbitration: Double Blind Peer Review; two reviewers
  • Review Time: 3 to 6 months approximately
  • Citation method: IEEE
  • Contact E-mail: packaging@ihu.ac.ir
  • Article Processing, Publishing and judging Charges: Free for review process and publication.
  • Type of License: CC BY
  • Type of Access: Open Access (OA) 
  • Cooperation with the association: Iran Packaging Science and Technology Association

important points:

  1. Respected authors are requested to follow the format of the Journal in order to speed up the review and judging process.
  2. Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this Journal is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Journal (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and combating fraud in Scientific Works.
  3. All articles sent to this Journal are reviewed by plagiarism software. Submitting the report of Samim Noor similarity check system or Irandak Similarity Check System is also necessary at the time of submitting the article. (Link to the guide to the plagiarism detector system)
  4. Also, please, when submitting the article (commitment form), (authors conflict of interest form) and authors profile form must be signed by all authors and uploaded to the system
  5. Guide for authors (Journal format)


According to the policy of the journal, all types of articles: research, review and promotion in the field of logistics and supply chain are prioritized for review and publication.

Legal and real membership in Iran Packaging Science and Technology Association

Iranian Association of Packaging Science and Technology was established by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology under Notification No. 8112/94 dated 8/12/94. For this purpose, those interested in the country's packaging industry are invited to join this association to take effective steps to develop exports and introduce more Iranian products.
For more information, refer to the main page of this site, at the bottom of the page, in the announcements section.

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 58, September 2024, Pages 1-74 

Original Article

Examining the Role of Packaging and Marketing on the preferences of meat consumers in Tehran

Pages 1-9

Saeed Salari; Leyla Vaezi; Ebrahim Serri Divshali

Identification and classification of packaging paradoxes in the biscuit and chocolate industry

Pages 11-27

sayedsadrodin alem; sayyed mohammadreza davoodi; seyed akbar nilipour tabatabaei; naser khani

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